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Collaborating with birds...

bird drawing machine
found objects, wire, galvanized pipe, branches, springs, passing birds - 2009
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One of the things I quite like about the solar-powered pieces is that they take the elegance of solar & wind power and use it to wang away at bits of metal - somewhat like using your crescent wrench as a hammer - and yet, in the process, they turn out these subtle little drawings.

wind-aided solar-powered drawing machine (with bells)
solar panel, found objects, wire, concrete, bells - 2007
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wind-aided solar-powered drawing machine II
solar panel, found objects, wire, tubing, bells - 2007
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wind-powered drawing machine
wire, pencil, sardine tin - 2007
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wind-driven drawing machine
found objects, wire, sardine tins - 2007
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The Beaufort Scale referred to in a few of these videos is a measure of estimated wind speed and effect. It was developed by Britain's Admiral Sir Francis Beaufort (1774-1857) in the early 1800s to help sailors estimate the winds by visual observation. The Beaufort Scale runs from 0 to 12. It is still used today to estimate wind strength. [The Beaufort Scale is also the subject of Tempest in a Teacup found under the Video page.]

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